How to handle change in the workplace?

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Change determines our life constantly - sometimes without us being aware of it. As living organisms we fall under the rules of change: we grow, we breath, everything is constantly in motion. Being active is life – stagnancy (over a longer time) represents the end.

The 21st century has become over the years, more complex, more demanding. Where old structures and habits seem to fall apart, changes seem to determine our lives more often. Societies are undergoing major transitions and societal values seem to carry different connotations today. With technology increasing at a rapid pace, sometimes we find it hard to keep up with all the changes. The moment we adapt and learnt a new skill to cope with the change, it may already be obsolete. This can become a tiring and draining exercise.

Living in a globalized world today, specially in the corporate world, has its own impact. Today’s workplace is constantly shifting with change often happening quickly without much fore-warning. There is often little time to make employees familiar with new procedures and one often have the wish to be a chameleon - able to adapt quickly to the outer circumstances of the environment.

Change has and will always be an inevitable part of life that will pose new demands and challenges for us but how do we deal with it?

Most people find it difficult to react positively on changes, especially when the change happens at their workplace where it can influence not only their career but also their lifestyle. The transfer to an unfamiliar position or the fear of losing one's job are a few of the major reasons employees resist change. Over the time this uncertainty can lead to anger, depression, and increased tension that can trigger different forms of stress. – these factors hardly contribute to a person's growth and development.

Take some time to ask yourself:

How do I value my work?


How do I value myself?

Are there ways of empowering myself to become more effective in managing my life and the changes at workplace?

Change forces people to reassess their own skills and can lead to the realization that there is a need to obtain new and relevant ones to proceed further - in life and at work.

If you want to grow, you have to leave the old habits behind and step out of your comfort zone. Look forward by trying new skills and accept failures. Similar to the development of a small child learning to walk - you will fall several times before making the first step. Failure and success goes together. We can only succeed if we learn from our previous mistakes (if not we will always remain at the same level). In doing so, another important skill will be developed - resilience

Resilient people don’t give up after their first try. They try and fail - they try again, changing methods and trying different ways, as many times needed till they succeed. Have you ever wondered how many times football players have to kick the ball before they strike a goal?

Somehow the zeitgeist of the 21st century - driven by success and speed - doesn’t allow us to take frequent breaks and to make too many mistakes. This makes it harder to take the initiative to make changes in our career and to become aware of our own resilience so we can develop that skill.

By gaining confidence in YOUR OWN skills and taking stock of them, you can enhance your inner resources – your own potential - that will help you gain a new perspective in life.

Change should be seen as a chance to obtain new skills when you know about your abilities so you can self-initiate new ideas and start playing an active role to be in the driving seat at your workplace.

Working time is life time.

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